Tuition Exemption (Academically Excellent Students)

Information on tuition exemptions for academically excellent students.

Information on tuition exemptions for academically excellent students.

This system was established in academic year 2013, and provides a full exemption from tuition in the second term of the year the student enrolls at the university. The student must be considered academically excellent. This also involves a screening process.

Exemption eligibility
Persons who have completed or graduated from a TUAT six-year bachelor degree course, master’s course or professional degree course who will be entering a TUAT doctoral course, and are considered academically excellent.

Exemption amount
Recipients receive a full exemption for tuition for the second term of the year they enroll in their doctoral course.

Inquiries and information on how to apply
Contact the relevant section or office below.
Student Support Section, Koganei Student Support Office, Graduate School of Engineering, Tel: 042-388-7011
Office of the Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering, Tel: 042-388-7217
Office of the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tel: 042-367-5670
