List of Contact Information

This page contains a list of contact information.

Contents of This Page


For examinees

Subject Relevant Office Telephone Number Fax Number E-mail Address
Undergraduate entrance exams (standard selection, etc.) [Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Engineering] Admissions Operations Section, Admissions Planning Office
Click?here?for information about undergraduate admissions.
042-367-5837 042-367-5585 nyusi2(insert @ symbol here)
Entrance exams (transfer)[Faculty of Agriculture] Admissions Section, Fuchu Student Support Office 042-367-5546 042-367-5887 a-nyushi(insert @ symbol here)
Entrance exams (transfer) [Faculty of Engineering] Admissions Section, Koganei Student Support Office 042-388-7014 042-388-7013 tnyushi(insert @ symbol here)
Graduate school entrance exams[Graduate School of Agriculture (Master Course, Doctoral Course)] Admissions Section, Fuchu Student Support Office 042-367-5659 042-367-5887 a-nyushi(insert @ symbol here)
Graduate school entrance exams[United Graduate School of Agricultural Science (Doctoral Course)] Admissions Section, Fuchu Student Support Office 042-367-5670 042-360-7167 rennougk(insert @ symbol here)
Graduate school entrance exams[Graduate School of Engineering (Master Course, Doctoral Course, Professional Degree Course)] Admissions Section, Koganei Student Support Office 042-388-7014 042-388-7013 tnyushi(insert @ symbol here)
Graduate school entrance exams[Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering (Master Course, Doctoral Course,Consistent Doctoral Program)] Admissions Section, Koganei Student Support Office 042-388-7014 042-388-7013 tnyushi(insert @ symbol here)
Visiting the university Admissions Planning Section, Admissions Planning Office 042-367-5512 042-367-5585 ny-kikaku(insert @ symbol here)

For current students

Subject Relevant Office Telephone Number Fax Number E-mail Address
Payment of tuition, etc. Cashier Section, Financial Affairs Office 042-367-5523 042-367-5554 syu_nyu(insert @ symbol here)
Courses/ Course registration [Faculty of Agriculture] Educational Affairs Section, Fuchu Student Support Office 042-367-5662
akyomu1(insert @ symbol here)
Courses/ Course registration [Graduate School of Agriculture] Graduate School Section, Fuchu Student Support Office 042-367-5662
akyomu1(insert @ symbol here)
Courses/ Course registration [Graduate School of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering] Educational Affairs Section, Koganei Student Support Office 042-388-7010
tkyomu1(insert @ symbol here)
Courses/ Course registration?[Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering] Educational Affairs Section, Office of Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering 042-388-7173
gaklead(insert @ symbol here)
Courses/ Course registration [United Graduate School of Agricultural Science] Graduate School Section, Fuchu Student Support Office 042-367-5670
rendai-d(insert @ symbol here)
Employment and recruitment[Graduate School of Agriculture and Faculty of Agriculture] Student Support Section, Fuchu Student
Click?here?for job openings.
042-367-5579 042-367-5663 a-gkall(insert @ symbol here)
Employment and recruitment[Graduate School of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering] Student Support Section, Koganei Student Support Office
Click?here?for job openings.
042-388-7011 042-388-7013 t-life(insert @ symbol here)
School festival and student clubs [Graduate School of Agriculture and Faculty of Agriculture] Student Support Section, Fuchu Student Support Office 042-367-5579 042-367-5663
School festival and student clubs [Graduate School of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering] Student Support Section, Koganei Student Support Office 042-388-7011 042-388-7013 t-life(insert @ symbol here)
Studying abroad International Affairs Office, Educational Affairs Office 042-367-5913 042-367-5557 kokusai(insert @ symbol here)
Library use?(Opens in new window) Library Support Office, Academic Information Office 042-367-5570 042-367-5571 tsomu(insert @ symbol here)

For Current International Students

Subject Relevant Office Telephone Number Fax Number E-mail Address
International exchange International Affairs Office, Educational Affairs Office 042-367-5513 042-367-5557 kokusai(insert @ symbol here)
International students International Affairs Office, Educational Affairs Office 042-367-5913 042-367-5557 kokusai(insert @ symbol here)


For alumni

Subject Relevant Office Telephone Number Fax Number E-mail Address
Certificates for graduates, and the like [Graduate School of Agriculture and Faculty of Agriculture] Admissions Section, Fuchu Student Support Office 042-367-5546 042-367-5887 akyomu1(insert @ symbol here)
Certificates for graduates, and the like [United Graduate School of Agricultural Science] Admissions Section, Fuchu Student Support Office 042-367-5670 042-360-7167 rennougk(insert @ symbol here)
Certificates for graduates, and the like [Graduate School of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering (Including the Department of Industrial Technology and Innovation)]
Educational Affairs Section, Koganei Student Support Office 042-388-7010 042-388-7013 tshomei(insert @ symbol here)
Certificates for graduates, and the like [Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering] Educational Affairs Section, Koganei Student Support Office 042-388-7010 042-388-7013 tshomei(insert @ symbol here)

For business and research organizations

Subject Relevant Office Telephone Number Fax Number E-mail Address
Contact information for faculty laboratories, etc. [Faculty of Agriculture and Graduate School of Agriculture] General Affairs Section, Fuchu General Affairs Division 042-367-5655 042-360-8830 asyomu(insert @ symbol here)
Contact information for faculty laboratories, etc. [United Graduate School of Agricultural Science] General Affairs Section, Office of United Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Fuchu Administration Division 042-367-5669 042-360-7167 rendai(insert @ symbol here)
Contact information for faculty laboratories, etc. [Faculty of Engineering and Graduate School of Engineering] General Affairs Section, Koganei General Affair Division 042-388-7003 042-388-7299 tkshomu(insert @ symbol here)
Contact information for faculty laboratories, etc. [Department of Industrial Technology and Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering] Section in charge of Department of Industrial Technology and Innovation, Koganei General Affair Division 042-388-7739 042-388-7661 motmot(insert @ symbol here)
Contact information for faculty laboratories, etc. [Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering] Koganei Policy and Strategic Planning Office 042-388-7741 042-388-7299 tk-kikaku(insert @ symbol here)
Information about contracts for goods, etc. [General Affairs Department] Contract and Purchase Section, Financial Affairs Office 042-367-5525 042-367-5554 keiyaku1(insert @ symbol here)
Information about contracts for goods, etc. [Faculty of Agriculture and Graduate School of Agriculture] Contract and Purchase Section, Fuchu Accounting Office 042-367-5657 042-367-5661 keiyaku2(insert @ symbol here)
Information about contracts for goods, etc. [Faculty of Engineering and Graduate School of Engineering] Contract and Purchase Section, Koganei Accounting Office 042-388-7005 042-388-7299 keiyaku3(insert @ symbol here)
Information about contracts for goods, etc. [Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering] Contract and Purchase Section, Koganei Accounting Office 042-388-7005 042-388-7299 keiyaku3(insert @ symbol here)
General inquiries related to industry-academia collaboration with businesses, etc.?(collaborative research, commissioned research, academic advice services, donations, research grants, subsidies)
Click here for industry alliance.
[Graduate School of Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture and United Graduate School of Agricultural Science]
Industry-University Collaboration Section, Fuchu Industry-University Collaboration Office
kenkyu1(insert @ symbol here)
[Graduate School of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering]
Industry-University Collaboration Section, Koganei Industry-University Collaboration Office
042-388-7008 042-388-7280 kenkyu2(insert @ symbol here)

For local public

Subject Relevant Office Telephone Number Fax Number E-mail Address
Library use?(Opens in new window) Library Support Office, Academic Information Office 042-367-5570 042-367-5571 tsomu(insert @ symbol here)
Care at the Animal Medical Center Animal Medical Center 042-367-5785 042-367-5602
Sale of vegetables, fruit, etc. Field Science Center Affairs Management Section, Fuchu Accounting Office 042-367-5811 042-367-5801 fsgyomu1(insert @ symbol here)
Nature and Science Museum Nature and Science Museum Support Section, Koganei General Affair Division 042-388-7163 042-388-7598 kahaku(insert @ symbol here)
Public lectures, etc. Public Relations Office, General Affairs Office 042-367-5930 042-367-5553 koho2(insert @ symbol here)

For other than the above

Subject Relevant Office Telephone Number Fax Number E-mail Address
Hiring faculty Recruitment Section, Personnel Administration Office 042-367-5509 042-367-5946 jinji(insert @ symbol here)
Requests for media relations, permission for filming/photography, etc. Public Relations Office, General Affairs Office 042-367-5930 042-367-5553 koho2(insert @ symbol here)
General information and matters other than those listed above General Affairs Section, General Affairs Office 042-367-5504 042-367-5553 soumuka-groups(insert @ symbol here)

Contact Information for Each Department

Department Name Telephone Number Fax Number Address
Educational Affairs Office 042-367-5537 042-367-5557 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
Graduate School of Agriculture and Faculty of Agriculture 042-367-5655 042-360-8830 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
Field Museum Fuchu, Field Science Center, Faculty of Agriculture 042-367-5811 042-367-5801 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
Animal Medical Center, Faculty of Agriculture 042-367-5785 042-367-5835 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
Scleroprotein and Leather Research Institute, Faculty of Agriculture (Division of Scleroprotein Chemistry and Cell Biology) 042-367-5789 042-367-5791 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
Scleroprotein and Leather Research Institute, Faculty of Agriculture (Division of Protein and Leather Chemistry) 042-367-5790 042-367-5791 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
United Graduate School of Agricultural Science 042-367-5669 042-360-7167 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
Graduate School of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering 042-388-7003 042-388-7299 2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei City, Tokyo
Center for Design and Manufacturing, Faculty of Engineering 042-388-7102 042-388-7102 2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei City, Tokyo
Department of Industrial Technology and Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering 042-388-7739 042-388-7661 2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei City, Tokyo
Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering 042-388-7741 042-388-7299 2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei City, Tokyo
Institute of Global Innovation Research 042-367-5646 042-367-5898 3-8-1 Harumicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
Organization for the Advancement of Education and Global Learning (Fuchu) 042-367-5545 042-367-5557 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
Organization for the Advancement of Education and Global Learning (Koganei) 042-388-7618 042-388-7618 2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei City, Tokyo
Fuchu Library 042-367-5570 042-367-5571 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
Koganei Library 042-388-7167 042-388-7204 2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei City, Tokyo
University Research Administration Center 042-388-7175 042-388-7286 2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei City, Tokyo
Information Media Center 042-388-7194 042-381-8290 2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei City, Tokyo
Research Center for Science and Technology (Instrumentation Analysis Center) 042-388-7188 042-388-7188 2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei City, Tokyo
Research Center for Science and Technology (Gene Research Center) 042-367-5563 042-367-5563 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
Nature and Science Museum 042-388-7163 042-388-7598 2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei City, Tokyo
Health Service Center (Fuchu) 042-367-5548 042-367-5559 3-8-1 Harumicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
Health Service Center (Koganei) 042-388-7171 042-384-0052 2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei City, Tokyo
Center for Environment and Safety 042-367-5933 042-367-5556 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
FLOuRISH Institute 042-367-5756 042-367-5557 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
Organization for WISE Program 042-367-5545 042-367-5557 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
Women's Future Development Organization (Fuchu) 042-367-5945 042-367-5643 3-5-8 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
Women's Future Development Organization (Koganei) 042-388-7362 042-388-7366 2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei City, Tokyo
Fuchu International House 042-367-5550 042-367-5560 2-41 Saiwaicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
Koganei International House 042-388-7241 042-388-7241 2-24-16 Nakacho, Koganei City, Tokyo
