President's Column 13 (Sep. 15, 2023)
Queensland Investment Receptionに参加しました
Participated in Queensland Investment Reception
Cameron Dickクイーンズランド州財務大臣の訪日に際し開催されたQueensland Investment Receptionに招待されましたので、古田裕志学長特任補佐と共に出席しました。クイーンズランド州はオーストラリアの中でも経済成長が著しく、日本からも多くの投資を期待しています。
We were invited to the Queensland Investment Reception held on the occasion of the visit of Mr. Cameron Dick, Treasurer, Minister for Trade and Investment of Queensland, and attended the event together with Mr. Hiroshi Furuta, Executive Advisor to the President. Queensland is one of the fastest growing economies in Australia, and we expect a lot of investment from Japan.
The meeting was attended by officials from the University of Queensland, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, and other ministries and agencies, as well as major companies involved in iron manufacture, energy, and financial services. In particular, new directions in Australia's overall energy policy were introduced, and the importance of a stronger cooperative relationship with Japan was confirmed.
TUAT is currently building a new scheme of industry-academia-government-research and development collaboration in strong cooperation with the University of Queensland, and was able to promote the formation of an important network.